Monday, 12 October 2009

Mutate Britain

Thursday 9th October was the grand opening of 'One foot in the Grove', an exhibition and collaboration with the Mutoid Waste Company and a whole heap of artists.
The night consisted of some of the finest sculpture by the Mutoid crew set in the old Acklam Playcentre which I first had the pleasure of painting in 1997. My piece was a 'shrine' to graffiti.

Ladbroke Grove always has had a rich history and influence in UK graffiti. One of the first pieces painted in the UK was by Futura 2000 on the pillars under the Westway in 1982 whilst he was over with The Clash, who lived locally.

At the show I managed to collaborate with Zeus who made a sculpture of the word Mutate; also collaborating on this piece was local artist Natalie, who worked on the colour schemes.

The show runs until the 27th October and is well worth checking out.

The Shrine to West London graf

The loyal worshipers pay homage

Mutoid Waste Companies incredible machines

The future of jukeboxes

This robot horse shot FIRE at PR representatives!

M is for mutation

U is for Underground

Natalie does a great T

Mutoids Joe Rush with my finished T

The A popped out

The E flowed

Are you John Conner?

The dog machine looked tame

No wonder the troops have equipment shortages

1 comment:

  1. looks rad dude, sorry i missed this opening, Im in london now gimme a call! maddy
